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Super White Glass

Super White Glass

Made with Superior quality Super White Glass for ensuring clarity Slides are Pre-cleaned and lint-free to satisfy normal laboratory requirements Edges are ground or beveled and polished to prevent abrasion to hands Ground Edge Slides are with 90 deg corner and are manufactured using grinding process which results in a high quality fine ground edge. Ground edges of Microscope slides reduces the danger of cuts and infections to laboratory personnel Slides with beveled edge have eight beveled edges with 45 deg corner Single Frosted: The frosted area on Single frosted slide is approximately 20 mm long on one side allowing for labelling/marking/etching Double Frosted: The frosted area on Twin frosted slide is approximately 20 mm long on both sides. Dually frosted edge allows for labelling/marking/etching on either side of slide Thickness 1.0 mm

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